Staffing is an important element of strategy-implementation, which involves identifying strenghts and weaknesses of each area. It also provides needed consistency in administering company rules, wages, policies, and employee benefits as weel as collective bargaining with unions.
Employee benefits:
Employees are going to have flexible schedule, depending on the amount of appointments they have, and their availability of time.
The organization will take into account the extra hours of labor on special holidays, and the employee will chose into a day off or a monetary compensation.
Carwashers will be paid according to the amount of services they provide (number of cars washed), it will be 20% of total price of the service.
The coordinator will be paid the minimum rate allowed by the law.
The general manager will be paid $ 1'000,000 colombian pesos.
The process of hiring is very important for our company because the staff must have the necessary skills to provide a quality service. Wheever the company needs a new employee the process of hiring will be the following:
1. Publish job profile on newspapers and social networks.
2. Execute the interviews for analyzing personal and profesional skills.
3. Collect the CV and evaluate applicants according to studies and work references.
4. If the applicant is approved the company will discuss with him the wage and monetary supply.
5. The company will introduce and give a basic training to the applicant depending on each area.
6. The company will evaluate the applicant performance and beahviour.
7. Finally, the company will make the appropiate paperwork.
The company will incur in this when an employee has comitted mistakes and after many feedbacks and attempts for correcting his errors he continue failing or doing the things wrong. Firing will be also necessary when the budget requieres so.
Only the carwashers will recieve the necessary trainning for carwashing, while the general manager and the coordinator will only have general directions on what they have to do and duties, and what are the oganization's mission and vision, to accomplish the goals.