The social and cultural forces help organizations to identify what are the individual’s trends, about likes and behavior. It is very important for organizations to adapt and change their service and products to changes in individual’s behavior and likes.
Location of retailing , manufacturing and services businees
Bogotá, (2015). [online] Available at:,-74.107807,11z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x8e3f9bfd2da6cb29:0x239d635520a33914 [Accessed 24 Aug. 2015].
Attiudes toward businesses
With regard to this table of frequencies it is possible to analyze that it icrease in 19 %, in which it is possible to see the increase of new business and the accecs to new credits, on the part of our company represents a new competitiveness in the sector of the services., (2015). Doing Business in Colombia - World Bank Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2015].
In the graph it is possible to observe that the increase of cars in 15 million which indicates that we have a big sector to present our service and that the lifestyle of the persons in the last years have indicated good exit ramps for the Company, (2015). . [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2015].
In the capital they circulate 1 ' 481.000 particular vehicles, more than 68.384 taxis, buses, articulated and biarticulados, and 424.588 motorcycles - according to the Record Distrital Automotor--. Between 2002 and 2014 the self-propelled park increased 100 per cent.This crisis of the urban mobility owes to, routes and infrastructure are absent to attend to this demand The second one, that the bad quality of the public transport led to the people to preferring the particular car or the motorcycle.(Eltiempo,2015) From this point of view it would be necessary in our company that if we will not present good results, we will need to offer our service for public service of cars and motorcycles.
TIEMPO, E. (2015). . [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Mar. 2015].
Inner-city enviroments
the Chamber of Trade of Bogota announced last month Victimización's survey realized in the capital of the Republic to 9.527 persons this year, 43 % expressed that the insecurity goes in increase at the expense of the bands that operate in the city.In the places where the public centers, in the malls or the public transport, as Transmilenio, the increase of the insecurity and the thefts are increasingly frequent. (, 2014) The insecurity in bogota can concern in our company in the way that our customers will not take the service as the fear of the theft, besides the fact that they prefer in bogota the use of taxi, bus, transmilenio instead of to use the car can affect us., (2014). . [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2014].
Traffic congestion, (2015). Traffic in Bogota. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2015].
Un índice de criminalidad para Colombia. (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2015].
Average Disposal Income
Trust in Goverment
The fewer confidence generates the Colombians, the Justice, the high courts and the Congress of the Republic head this list. In agreement with Ipsos's survey, 77 per cent thinks that the Justice is not doing the things correctly in order that the country goes out forward. The same thing thinks 73 per cent of the Colombians that also said to distrust the high courts and his role (Semana, 2014) This demonstrates that the distrust that the Colombians have the government implies that for every business it is a necessart to look for the success without the support of the government
crisis, P. (2014). . [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2015].
Attitudes toward Work, (2015). . [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2015].
The national brute revenue for parity of the purchasing power is the national brute revenue (GDP) converted to international dollars using the rates of parity of the purchasing power.(Euromonitor, 2015)on the part of the graph it is possible to observe that disminuyoe the purchasing power of our currency in the GDP with 3.9 % 2015 and on the part of the inflation It increase 0.8 % devaluating hereby our currency, it concerns to our business because every day the Colombian weight costs less , in addition the purchasing power of our earnings every day they lose value generating loss future losses.
It is defined as the percentage relation betweenthe economically active population and the population in age of working and reflects the pressure of the population on the labor market (, 2015) the range of major participation according to the last result of the graphs, the population who is more active on the market they are the persons from 29 to 40 years, also proving to be from 18 to 28 that one arranges of arto personnel of work for the competitiveness., (2015). . [online] Available at:;jsessionid=D8262CF9D96E84100701C12EEC335793?idIndicador=87 [Accessed 24 Aug. 2015].
Buying habits, (2015). Colombia - Household final consumption expenditure per capita. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2015].
Definition: Household final consumption expenditure is the market value of all goods and services, including durable products (such as cars, washing machines, and home computers), purchased by households. Data are in constant 2005 U.S. dollars. (, 2015) From the year 2013 the expenditure in the market value of all goods increase and it still increasing ,From the point of view of our company it can benefit us since the increase of market value of all good, there are cars wich can generate more material of work
Population of Colombia: by sex and age
Fuente: Dane, series de población 1985 - 2020
Value placed in leisure time
Government regulations
In Bogota, operating car washes must have the relevant records of the Administrative Department of the Environment (Dama) and therefore must comply with a series of measures to prevent pollution, invasion of public space, noise and poor water management. Car washes must work with reclycled treated water, with the idea of saving water.
Most regulations are made in pro of the ecosystem, we as organization want to eliminate water from all processes also with a proenvironmental thinking.
Most research has shown that Latino are motivated in their leisure by their family values, and desire to share experiences with their beloved ones. Latin American culture gives a lot of importance to the social interactions and group activities.
Stodolska, M. Shinew, K,J. Floyd, M. Walker, G. "Race, Ethnicity and Leisure" pg 86 - 96 Found in: Google Books
This are important characteristics of our customers, as they will prefer to have some free time instead of taking their cars to a traditional car-wash.
The information in the table of population in Colombia shows that there have been an increasing of population in general (for men and women). It also shows that the greatest population is under 24 years.
Attitudes toward authority
Most colombian people display a healthy respect for authority, because they have been raised in a catholic environment, in which the authority is one of the most important thing that require respect.
Number of church members
Christianity (all types) | 41.2 million people (96% of population) (2005) | 2.1%
Roman Catholic Church | 38.4 million people (89% of population) (2005) | 4.1%
Jehovah's Witnesses | 445000 people (1% of population) (2005) | 2.8%
Spiritism | 428000 people (1% of population) (2005) | 3.5%
ethnic religions | 282000 people (0.7% of population) (2005) | 0.1%
Attitudes toward careers
It is a study on the attitude that is taken from the most common careers to study, and according to the trends in which are the most desirable careers or those that will have more demand in the future.
El estudio realizado entre más de mil personas con intención de llevar a cabo estudios de educación superior, arrojó las tendencias de que las carreras de Sicología, administración de empresas y contaduría están liderando el ranking de las carreras más deseadas, igualmente los diplomados sobre las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera, que deben aplicar todas las empresas en el 2015. Según los analistas, el éxito actual de estas carreras se debe a la coyuntura de las nuevas normatividades y el aumento de los impuestos y declaraciones que deben realizar las personas, lo que representa que saber de estos temas contables sea una buena alternativa laboral.
This variable influences our business in the way that our customers should have the means to buy a car, so they should to be profesional beacuse that is the best way to have income.
Attitudes toward saving & Attitudes toward investing
Only 40% of people in Colombia save money, males save more than women with a 50% of males compared to 32% of women. The city where people save the most is Bogotá and population who save less are from Cali.
Most of the resources are saved or invested in cash, which includes not only hard cash but savings accounts and CDT. According to Javier García, Country Manager of BlackRock in Sudamérica ex Brasil,the key issue in this situation is that many people are not clear on how to invest and what tools are available to do so.
Sex Roles
Usually in the past decades we use to see that men are the ones that work at the car industry, but now a day’s things have change. Due to the incorporation of electronic and computer machines, the professionals must develop other mechatronic skills instead of the “brute” force.
In the last 10 years General Motors generated Colmotores employs about 600 women and for the years 2013 and 2014 they have a 33% of the vacancies were taken over by women.
Number of churches
La religión predominante en Colombia es la católica. Un 92% de la población nacional dice profesar el catolicismo o están registrados como católicos, pero dentro de esa misma población se pueden contar grupos de indiferentes religiosos. Estas cifras toman en cuenta el porcentaje de bautismos católicos, que no necesariamente refleja el número de creyentes.
Hasta la constitución de 1991 el catolicismo era la religión oficial del estado, el país estaba consagrado al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y de manera recurrente los columnistas usan ese hecho para referirse al "país del sagrado corazón". El 8% restante hace parte de otras comunidades religiosas como protestantes, o de origen protestante, unitarios universalistas, testigos de Jehová, sectas de origen budista y taoísta, musulmanes, judíos o religiones naturales, todos con una representación minoritaria.
In our industry regarding the churches, we get benefits if the majority of the population belong to any religion, which leads them to create a family. But nevertheless, it does not affect the religion a person belong to provide any kind of service.
Average of education
Childbearing rate (Fertility rate)
Total fertlity rate represents the number of children that would be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her childbearing years and bear children in accordance to age-specific fertility rates. For 2014 in Colombia it was of 2,3.
World Bank, "Fertility Rate" (2015) Found at:
This information do not affect our business directly, so we don't have to pay much attetion to it.
Number of births
The total number of births in Colombia in 2014 was of 662.578; 339.775 were male and 322.803 were female. There are 19 births per 1,000 individuals.
DANE, "Nacimientos 2015-Preliminar" (July 2015) Found at:
Note: World Bank, "Birth Rate crude (per 1,000 people)" Found at:
This information do not affect our business directly, so we don't have to pay much attetion to it.
Social Security Programs
The government of Colombia counts with: Sistema General de Pensiones, Sistema general de seguridad social en salud, Sistema general de riesgos laborales, Servicios sociales complementarios.
We have to take into account the social security programs, beacuse we are going to have employees and we have to affiliate them to any health,Occupational hazards, and social services insitutions.
Number of deaths
The total number of deaths in Colombia in 2014 was of 52.356; 28.375 were male and 23.969 were female. The number of deaths per 1,000 individuals is of 6.
DANE, "Defunciones no Fetalkes 2015- Preliminar" (July 2015) Found at:
Note: World Bank, "Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)" Found at:
This information do not affect our business directly, so we don't have to pay much attetion to it.
Inmigration and Emigration rates
The World Bank ( 2010) reports that there are 110 297 foreigners in Colombia with a predominance of persons of Venezuelan nationality representing 33.9 % of total foreign population.
According to the World Bank, the total number of Colombian migrants abroad is 2.1221 million , corresponding to 4.6 % of the Colombian population.
IOM, "Perfil Migratorio Colombia 2012" (2012) Found at:
We have to take into account inmigration rand emigration rates information for knowing that everyday we can have even more clients or less depending of which one of the rates is higher. Also we have to take into account that our clients are not only from Colombia but specially from Venezuela and they can have different likes and habits.
Per Capita income
The World Bank says the PIB per capita in 2014 was of $ 7720 US dollars, while the GNI per capita,based on purchasing power parity(PPP) in the same year was $ 12600 US dollars.
World bank, "PIB per cápita (US$ a precios actuales)" (2015) Found at:
World Bank, "World Development Indicators" (2015) Found at:
This information is veryimportant for us because we can analyze how many persons can afford the expenses of buying and having a vechicle in Colombia, but also we have to take into account that this is an hypothetical data because it is the total PIB of the country divided in the number of pupolation, so it is not the exact income of the individuals in Colombia.
Life Expectancy rate
In 201the average life expectancy in Colombia was of 74. In 2014 for male it was of 70,6 years, and for female 77,9 years. As it seen in the next graph this rate has increased trhough the years.
Euromonitor International, Colombia: Country Profile, (August 2015) at:
Note: Taken from World bank, "Life expectancy at birth, total (years)":
This information do not affect our business directly, so we don't have to pay much attetion to it.
Dropout decreased it went from 10,641,243 in 2012 to 10,540,711 registered in 2013 . For preschool and basic primary variation it was 1.3% and for secondary and primary and secondary was -0.5 %.
Eventhought with the graph below show us that in 2014, the levels of education are really low, the mayority of the population doesent have any kind of education and as the level of education increases the amount of population decreses. Moreover it shows that 49,0% of empiric workers, this is a big issue not only for the people that doesen´t have the opportunity of study but to the country in general. AcquiringIt knowledge is important because is the only thing that can help you develop your skills Completely also to understand things, thick critically because it allows progress in humanity.
In our company is really important to have qualified employees that offer excellent services to our costumers.
Attitudes toward foreign people
This variable refers to the behavior of Colombian with the presence of foreigners in their conuntry.
Los colombianos varían en su actitud para con los extranjeros. Conscientes del progreso traído por los extranjeros, se entusiasman por la inmigración. Obvia es la amabilidad natural que en general ostentan también con el extranjero. Pero esto no obsta para que en sus adentros, especialmente las clases superiores, le profesen una aversión. Son varias las causas originarias de tal aversión. Una de ellas es la ofensa sentida por los colombianos, provocada por la opinión un tanto severa proferida por numerosos viajeros que critican abiertamente las debilidades, lo mismo que los abusos cometidos por la autoridad pública y que dan rienda suelta a sus chistes a costa de los colombianos. Otras causas motivantes son las humillaciones y pérdidas, posiblemente a veces injustas, infligidas a Colombia a consecuencia de quejas presentadas por europeos residentes en razón de perjuicios causados a sus propiedades por las autoridades colombianas. Sin duda, entre los europeos llegados a Colombia ha habido embusteros y farsantes, los que, por raras incidencias encargados de diligencias y obras importantes, en su ejecución causaron sorpresas desagradables.
In the industry of service, we get benefit when foreigners come to Colombia to train staff, but when they come as a competition for national organizations, affect us significantly, they shine even more for being foreigners.
Number of churches
La religión predominante en Colombia es la católica. Un 92% de la población nacional dice profesar el catolicismo o están registrados como católicos, pero dentro de esa misma población se pueden contar grupos de indiferentes religiosos. Estas cifras toman en cuenta el porcentaje de bautismos católicos, que no necesariamente refleja el número de creyentes.Hasta la constitución de 1991 el catolicismo era la religión oficial del estado, el país estaba consagrado al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y de manera recurrente los columnistas usan ese hecho para referirse al "país del sagrado corazón". El 8% restante hace parte de otras comunidades religiosas como protestantes, o de origen protestante, unitarios universalistas, testigos de Jehová, sectas de origen budista y taoísta, musulmanes, judíos o religiones naturales, todos con una representación minoritaria.
In our industry it does not affect us or if the consumer benefits belong to any religion.
Number of church members
Christianity (all types) | 41.2 million people (96% of population) (2005) | 2.1%Roman Catholic Church | 38.4 million people (89% of population) (2005) | 4.1%Jehovah's Witnesses | 445000 people (1% of population) (2005) | 2.8%Spiritism | 428000 people (1% of population) (2005) | 3.5%ethnic religions | 282000 people (0.7% of population) (2005) | 0.1%
There is much diversity of religions in Colombia, but the majority of the population say they belong to the Catholic religion. However, to any religion you belong to , it should not affect anybody as a worker. Is a fundamental right to be free to choose the religion to belong.
Attitudes toward careers
It is a study on the attitude that is taken from the most common careers to study, and according to the trends in which are the most desirable careers or those that will have more demand in the future.
El estudio realizado entre más de mil personas con intención de llevar a cabo estudios de educación superior, arrojó las tendencias de que las carreras de Sicología, administración de empresas y contaduría están liderando el ranking de las carreras más deseadas, igualmente los diplomados sobre las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera, que deben aplicar todas las empresas en el 2015. Según los analistas, el éxito actual de estas carreras se debe a la coyuntura de las nuevas normatividades y el aumento de los impuestos y declaraciones que deben realizar las personas, lo que representa que saber de estos temas contables sea una buena alternativa laboral.
This variable influences our business in the way that our customers should have the means to buy a car, so they should to be profesional beacuse that is the best way to have income.
Social Programs
El Departamento para la Prosperidad Social DPS es el organismo del Gobierno Nacional que busca fijar políticas, planes generales, programas y proyectos para la asistencia, atención y reparación a las víctimas de la violencia, la inclusión social, la atención a grupos vulnerables y su reintegración social y económica. Para alcanzar este propósito, el Departamento trabaja integralmente en la formulación y ejecución de políticas sociales, además de realizar la coordinación de la Unidad de Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas, el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, la Agencia Nacional para la Superación de la Pobreza Extrema, el Centro de Memoria Histórica y la Unidad Administrativa Especial para la Consolidación Territorial.
Many service companies contribute to social programs, because this is one of the largest sectors of industry. Big companies are constantly generating so much pollution and negative things to our environment, so all of them should somehow compensate the damage done and what better than helping poor people with food or helping to have better conditions of life.
Energy conservation
Energy conservation is a reduction in the amount of energy consumed in a process or system, or by an organization or society, through economy, elimination of waste, and rational use.
En Colombia, el PNUD trabaja con el gobierno nacional, con gobiernos regionales y locales, con la sociedad civil y con comunidades en tres grandes temas: Cambio Climático, Gestión Integral de la Biodiversidad y Manejo de Contaminantes. Más específicamente, las líneas de trabajo del PNUD en Colombia son las siguientes:
• Incidencia en políticas públicas
• Fortalecimiento de capacidades
• Generación de conocimiento e información
• Sensibilización a la comunidad
• Cambios en terreno
• Implementación de convenciones de la ONU.
El objetivo principal del programa de medio ambiente y energía del PNUD es promover la sostenibilidad ambiental como un factor de mitigación de la pobreza en Colombia y de bienesta r para la población.
Through our company and the method of providing our service , we take care of the environment by avoiding the use of water to wash cars, and thus contribute to environmental protection and energy conservation.
Pollution Control
It is the care of the environment , controlling emissions and effluents that are issued during a specific activity , releasing these substances to different media , and then performing for Air Pollution , and Soil Pollution Water contamination.
The Nature Conservancy is a global organization leader that has as a mission the conservation of land and water ecologically important for the people and the nature. This organization develops in Colombia, evaluations about the conditions of the ecosystems and determines objects conservation at the landscape scale. This information is constituted by a basic tool to propose some alternatives to avoid the damage of the ecosystems in the country.
Nowadays, it has been identify the priority areas of conservation at marine areas of the Caribbean sea and Pacific ocean, Caribbean and pacific continental, the Colombian Andes, the Magdalena´s river basin and the Easter plains.
Social responsibility
The idea that companies should embrace its social responsibilities and not be solely focused on maximizing profits. Social responsibility entails developing businesses with a positive relationship to the society which they operate in.
Colombia hace parte de la Declaración del Milenio del año 2000 la cual contiene ocho objetivos para ser cumplidos por dichos países en el año 2015. Esta declaración tiene objetivos que son los siguientes: -Erradicar la pobreza extrema y el hambre -Educación Universal -Igualdad entre los géneros -Reducir la mortalidad de los niños-Mejorar la salud materna-Combatir el VIH/SIDA-Sostenibilidad del medio ambiente -Fomentar una asociación mundial.
Colombia integrates its law in a range of international norms that allow entrepreneurs to have a framework to cover the needs in those arear that are found in the country.
Attitudes toward customer services
Is the management performed by people working in a company and have the opportunity to be in contact with customers and generate in them some level of satisfaction.
Con una calificación de 90 puntos, Bavaria obtuvo el primer lugar en la encuesta de Satisfacción de Detallistas realizada por la firma encuestadora Yanhaas, durante el segundo periodo del 2014, en la que se evalúa el servicio al cliente prestado por las empresas del sector bebidas en Colombia.
De acuerdo con los resultados del estudio, la segunda ubicación fue para Alpina, con 82 puntos. Por su parte, las empresas licoreras (78) quedaron en el tercer lugar, mientras que Coca-Cola (72) y Postobón (71) ocuparon las posiciones cuarta y quinta, respectivamente.
In our industry the customer service is essential because it is done directly with the customer. Depending on the treatment , care and compliance with the work to be done depends on the success of our company.