Management Information Systems
A management information system is an effective form to collect information and an easier way to check all data base of the organization. In this information systems managers can find all the information containing all kind of important data in an organized form, this also helps to improve the performance of an enterprise by improving the quality of managerial decisions.
When we say all information, we are refering to what customers think about our company, how they feel with the service we offer, the results of marketing strategy, how many services are doing in a week, the result or impact of the bonus in the magazines and if they are used. Data of external factors like political, economic, governmental, competitive factors are also important because it can influence in the managerial decisions.
The program that we will use to organize the information is excel. We consider Excel because we can collect and summarize data in reports with tables, graphs, charts, etc, to make it valuable information. This will help the manager to answer important operative decition making.
In our business is so usefull a management information system because we can control the services that are pending, how much cars have been washed in a given time, and thought some strategies, we can know the level of satisfaction of our customers. Based on that and in other datas we can make a good decision making.